Dr. Trevor Cates' Recipe Blog
What you eat can have a big effect on your skin. Many nutrients and foods can and do nourish the skin from the inside out. I’m excited to share with you some of my favorite skin-nourishing and cleansing recipes.
Coconut-Red Lentil Soup
This is a favorite among my vegan friends, and even meat-eaters will love the flavorful creamy soup. Enjoy leftover chutney with other meals.
Organic Honey and Tea Tree Cleanser
The antimicrobial and sebum-balancing effects of the honey and tea tree essential oil in this cleanser are great for Olivia Skin Personality Types. (Discover your skin personality type at theskinquiz.com.)
Chia Pudding
This bowl is raw, simple, and delicious. When chia seeds sit in liquid for 10 minutes, they absorb the fluid and transform into a tapioca-like consistency. If you don't care for tapioca's texture, blend the chia seeds with the other ingredients for a smoother consistency.
Oven Roasted Salmon with Beluga Lentils and Salsa Verde
This is one of my favorite recipes! The combination of savory salmon, black lentils, and tangy salsa is sure to satisfy your palate – and you can relax, knowing every ingredient is nourishing your skin from within.
Broccolini Salad
A cross between broccoli and kale, broccolini is almost akin to a young broccoli. Because this nutritious veggie is in the brassica family, it's a cleansing food and best served steamed. Serve this warm or cold with the tasty dressing.
Watermelon Salad
Light and refreshing, this lycopene-rich watermelon salad also contains radishes, mint, cucumber, and lime – making it cleansing and replenishing. Because watermelon is seasonal and refreshing to the taste buds, it's best enjoyed during spring and summer.
Creamy Artichoke Soup
Artichokes are rich in fiber and micronutrients like folate and vitamins A, C, and K. This creamy delicious soup is gluten and dairy-free and is packed full of antioxidants for glowing skin. Enjoy it warm in early spring and chilled in late spring.
Healthy Snack Bites with Medjool Dates
These snack bites can be a quick and healthy pick-me-up to keep handy in your fridge.
Crisp Antioxidant Salad
The greens, carrots, blueberries, and pomegranate seeds fill this salad with vitamin C and the antioxidant family of carotenes, especially beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Human studies have shown carotenoid-rich diets can protect skin against sun damage by increasing its defense against UV light-mediated damage. In addition, walnuts are a nutrient-dense food and full of
Oat, Green Tea and Yogurt Face Mask
This combination is fantastic for sensitive or inflamed Heath- and Emmett-types (take theskinquiz.com to find out yours) because of the anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties. The oats also help absorb excess oil, and the balancing effects of yogurt and green tea make it great for acne-prone Olivia-types. This mask doesn't have photosensitivity issues so you